Helpful Community Resources

While you are waiting for your ministry-funded services to become available, you may want to research other local community resources, program and activities.

Try connecting with your local recreation centre, private recreation providers, seniors centre and non-profit organizations that offer a variety of programs and activities for adults with special needs and seniors. Many of these programs are geared to meet the interests and abilities of all participants.

Call us at 1 (888) 941-1121 and ask to speak to a DSO Service Navigator in your community for more information.

Below is a list of some provincial organizations that may be able to help you connect with more local resources.

*Please Note: The table below may cause issue with some screen readers / accessibility. We are working with the table maker software vendor to improve their accessbility compliance. In the interim, we have provided an online accessible PDF.

Click here to access our Helpful Resources table in PDF format.

Organization Description
211 Ontario
Helps you find information about programs and services in your community.
Autism Ontario
Helps you find information about autism and the day-to-day issues faced by individuals with autism, their families, and the professionals with whom they interact.
Community Living Ontario
Helps you and your family to lead the way in advancing inclusion in your lives and community.
Helps you find fee-for-service resources in your community.
IF Library
The Individualized Funding Library is a website to help you learn how to find and use your Individualized Funding.
Allows you to register and pay for activities, classes, programs, workshops, respite and camps offered by developmental service agencies in Ontario.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Provides you with financial assistance.
Ontario March of Dimes Strategic Employment Solutions
Provides you with employment opportunities.
P4P Planning Network
Provides free resources designed to empower you, your family and caregiver(s).
Provides your caregiver(s) with a short break from caregiving so they can take some time off to recharge and reconnect.
Special Olympics Ontario
Helps you enrich your life through sport.
Helps you find local health and community services.

Organizations that would like to be added to this list must be non-profit or government funded and serve or provide community resources to adults with developmental disabilities across Ontario. Contact to get added to this list.